This past weekend, Thinkspace Gallery unveiled a new exhibit by couple and Australian artists Dabs Myla. Featuring a collection of 3d objects, sketches and paintings, the show was packed from the start and offered the visitors a visual eye feast. Titled as The Best of Times, the latest showing featured a retrospective of their last two years spent across California and the Pacific Northwest. Walls were covered with their iconic animation style and objects hung from the ceiling. Plus, the space featured photographs and small mementos which explored the artists’ recent experiences and adventures.

It was interesting to see the gallery space treated as a kind of fun house and this was a refreshing view from more typical art exhibits. However, this was not the only reasons why the exhibit proved to be a success. The artwork shows a unique animation style which the Aussie couple continue to perfect. Clearly, the exhibit was meant to invite the visitor into the artists’ creative mindset and the end result did not disappoint.

Opening photos after the jump…

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