

Can’t wait until February 7th for Mark Ryden’s Snow Yak show to open up in Tokyo? Well, you’re in luck because AM put together a preview of some brand new images along with some that we teased you with a few weeks ago. For this body of work, it looks as though Ryden is focusing on a singular theme as opposed to having multiple focuses in each of his paintings – a more minimalistic approach with a more uniform palette.

Interested in picking something up? Well prices start at 8k for the drawings and 75k for the paintings so contact Tomio Koyama if you’re ballin’ like that.

Check out the all the preview images after the jump.

Girl sleeps on yak

Girl sleeps on yak

Girl in a fur skirt

Girl in a fur skirt

Girl in a fur coat

Girl in a fur coat



Snow Yak

Snow Yak

Fur Girl

Fur Girl

Here’s some detailed pictures of the gorgeous painting we previewed from the Tomio Koyama booth down at Art Basel.

Sofia's Bubbles


Tomio Koyama @ Art Basel

Tomio Koyama @ Art Basel

Tomio Koyama @ Art Basel

Tomio Koyama @ Art Basel

Discuss this show here.
Discuss Mark Ryden here.